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Canada, Colombia sign defence cooperation accord

MONTREAL (AFP): Canada and Colombia have signed a memorandum of understanding to increase defence cooperation, on the sidelines of the International Security Forum in Halifax.

"This memorandum represents a natural evolution in our relationship, and we look forward to continuing to build our ties with the Colombian Armed Forces," Canadian Defence Minister Peter MacKay said in a statement on Saturday.

"We can also cooperate in areas from humanitarian assistance and disaster relief to caring for our personnel and engage in strategic defence policy discussions," he added after signing the accord along with Colombian Defence Minister Juan Carlos Pinzon Bueno.

The two countries, which already cooperate on military training and exercises, will work together on issues of military justice as well as share information about fighting home-made bombs.

The agreement resulted from discussions between the two countries during a forum on defense in Bogota in February 2012.


Canada  Colombia  Defence  

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