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Raytheon to design Technology Demonstrator for AMDR

TEWKSBURY, MASSACHUSETTES (BNS): Raytheon will design and develop an S-band radar and radar suite controller technology demonstrator for the US Navy's new Air and Missile Defense Radar (AMDR).

The highly advanced system to be developed under a $112.3 million contract will provide unprecedented capabilities for the Navy's Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, Raytheon said.

The radar suite will consist of an S-band radar, X-band radar and radar suite controller. The system is scalable, enabling installation and integration with multiple platforms to meet the Navy's current and future mission requirements.

The AMDR S-band component will provide volume search, tracking, ballistic missile defense discrimination and missile communications.

Raytheon recently validated the maturity of its S-band capability with a demonstration of the system's advanced power amplifier and beamforming technology.

System reliability and performance were confirmed, propelling the company closer to a full demonstration of a highly capable, low-risk solution for the Navy, it said.

Raytheon has partnered with General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems and shipbuilder Gibbs & Cox in the concept development of this next-generation radar solution.


Raytheon  AMDR  

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