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Russia successfully tests long-range interceptor missile

Air defence missile system S-400 being fired. Photo: ITAR-TASS/Dmitry Rogulin

MOSCOW (BNS): Russia has successfully carried out test launch of a long-range interceptor missile which will be part of a new fifth generation air defence system S-500, according to a news report.

Russian news agency Itar-Tass quoting a source in the Defence and Industrial Complex, said the test launches were conducted in late June.

"All goals and tasks set within this event were fulfilled completely," the source was quoted as saying.

As part of Russia's defence modernisation programme through 2020, Joint Stock Company Almaz-Antey is developing a new generation air defence missile system S-500.

The surface-to-air missile system is designed for intercepting intercontinental ballistic missiles and for defence against airborne early warning and control, airborne warning and control system, and jamming aircraft.

The S-500 is being developed to surpass air defence missile system S-400 Triumf currently in combat service and its US rival - a defence missile system RAS-3, reports said.


Russia  Missile  S-500  Defence  

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