Aero India 2025

News for " Observatory"

Landmark for India as first solar observatory Aditya-L1 reaches its destination: PM

India's first solar observatory Aditya-L1 has reached its destination, Prime Minister Narendra Modi ...

Scientists use AI to identify nature of thousands of new cosmic objects

Scientists have used machine learning, a variant of artificial intelligence (AI), to identify the na...

India's space observatory accomplishes X-ray polarisation

Astrosat, India's first dedicated multi-wavelength space observatory, has accomplished the extremely...

'Vampire' star caught in the act by Indian space observatory

India's first dedicated space observatory, ASTROSAT, has captured the rare phenomenon of a small, 6-...

Construction of Thirty Meter Telescope with Indian support begins

The construction of ambitious next-generation Thirty Meter Telescope, to be built at an estimated co...

India, four other countries to build world's biggest telescope

India along with Japan, the US, China and Canada will start work on the world's biggest telescope on...

NASA's flying observatory is a jet with a 17-tonne telescope

Officially known as the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, SOFIA is a heavily modifie...

Herschel completes its 'cool' journey in Space

The Herschel observatory, a European space telescope for which NASA helped build instruments and pro...

China plans to build astronomical observatory in Tibet

The planned observatory will enable scientists from China, Japan and South Korea to build large-scal...

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