News for "ARMY"

Indian Army to get new guns

The Army is planning to acquire close to 400 guns at the earliest and it has issued a Request for In...

Army plays out war game to refine plans for borders

The war game was planned and executed with use of maps and clay models of forces on ground at the Ar...

Indian Army to go to Congo on UN mission

The Indian Army is sending its personnel to the African nation after a gap of over 15 months on June...

Army to bring warzones & command centres closer

Wars of the future may be fought with equal intensity at the actual front and the distant command ce...

Army celebrates its 67th Raising Day

Army Headquarters Transport Company ASC, the only unit which received Hon’ble Raksha Mantri Trophy, ...

DRDO hands over 16 Arjun MBTs to Indian Army

Indian Army is now equipped with the first armoured regiment of the indigenously built Main Battle T...

Russian army chief visits India

Russian Army Chief General Vladimir Boldyrev is on a week-long visit to strengthen defence ties with...

Indian Army successfully concludes "Hind Shakti"

The three-day-long exercise aimed at conducting an offensive task in developed terrain was performed...

Army's Kharga Corps begins exercise in Punjab

The army's Kharga Corps began a training exercise HIND SHAKTI in Punjab to develop its operational e...

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