Aero India 2025

News for "Celestial"

Equinox: A celestial phenomenon

The name "equinox" is derived from the Latin aequus (equal) and nox (night), because around the equ...

Double celestial treat awaits sky gazers

On September 21, the king planet Jupiter will be opposite the Sun which will be 180 degrees from it....

Double celestial treat awaits sky gazers

A double celestial treat awaits sky gazers as a partial lunar eclipse and opposition of Pluto will b...

Brilliant celestial firework to light up night sky on Nov 17

Leonids are a prolific meteor showers associated with the comet 55p/Tempel-Tuttle....

Sophisticated telescope camera captures spectacular celestial view

The instrument, built by University of Florida and fitted in Gemini South telescope, takes its first...

A celestial feast for stargazers!

The European Southern Observatory captures a 360-degree panoramic image of the magnificent night sky...

Spitzer space telescope takes celestial images with 'warm' infrared eyes

The telescope resumes its warm science mission; takes pictures of star-forming region, swirling gala...

European satellite measures speedy spin of rare celestial object

This celestial object is a rare class of stellar zombie - each one the dead heart of a star that ref...

Hubble captures celestial snow globe of stars

The space telescope catches a quick glimpse of hundreds of stars moving about in globular cluster M1...

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