News for "India"

US govt seeks industry feedback on reciprocal defence procurement agreement with India

The US government has sought feedback from its defence industry community on the reciprocal defence ...

'Good synergy' now among three services to work together: CDS Gen Chauhan

Around nine verticals including supply chain management, logistics and intelligence sharing were ide...

India, Tanzania elevate ties to strategic partnership; agree on 5-yr roadmap on defence

India and Tanzania have announced elevating their ties to strategic partnership and agreed on a five...

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on 4-day visit to Italy, France from today; focus on industrial cooperation

Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh will pay a four-day visit to Italy and France beginning today ...

Air Chief Marshal Chaudhari unveils new ensign of IAF at Air Force Day parade

Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari has unveiled a new ensign of the Indian Air Force ...

Nepal and India discuss security issues and defence supplies

Nepal and India have discussed a wide range of issues relating to mutual security, defence supplies,...

Dassault Aviation CEO visiting India for talks on marine variant of Rafale jets

Various aspects of India's proposed purchase of 26 naval variant of the Rafale aircraft are likely t...

Air Force Day: IAF lethal and formidable force, says Rajnath Singh

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) Gen Anil Chauhan on Sunday extended ...

IAF must be one of best, if not best by time it completes 100 years in 2032: Air Chief Marshal Chaudhari

The Indian Air Force must remain ever vigilant in the face of "new and emerging threats", Air Chief ...

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