Aero India 2023

News for "Land"

Airborne Surveillance and Control Capability unveiled

AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, and Thales have unveiled an enhanced Airborne Surveillance a...

PoAF AW101 fleet achieves 10,000 flying hrs

The Portuguese Air Force (PoAF) has achieved the milestone of 10,000 flying hours with its AW101 med...

US, Poland ink modified missile defence deal

Following objection from Russia, the US will now deploy medium- and short-range missile interceptors...

F-35 Navy Jet confirms carrier-landing strength predictions

A Lockheed Martin F-35C Lightning II carrier variant has successfully completed testing in which it ...

SSBN 738 successfully launches two Trident II D5 missiles

The two Trident II D5 missile tested by the USS Maryland (SSBN 738) is the latest generation of subm...

Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa to land in Australia

Hayabusa is an unmanned space mission launched by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) to bring...

Russia asks US to explain missile deployment in Poland

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Moscow expects an explanation on the deployment of US Pa...

Hawkei LPV to replace Australian Army's Land Rover fleet

Hawkei Light Protected Vehicle has a wide range of sensors, weapons, additional armour, C4I and new ...

Finland selects Lockheed for airborne surveillance system contract

The airborne surveillance system of Lockheed Martin will fulfill the dynamic airborne intelligence, ...

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