News for "Man"

Human space flight mission off ISRO's priority list

India's proposed human spaceflight programme that generated considerable excitement in the second ha...

Submarine mishap: US, France, Germany offer help

Many countries including the US and France have offered help to India in its ongoing operations to b...

Indian Navy's P-8I lands at Andaman islands

Indian Navy's first P-8I long-range maritime reconnaissance and anti-submarine warfare aircraft has ...

BAE to upkeep USAF's Minuteman III ICBMs

BAE Systems has received a contract worth $534 million from the US Air Force to maintain the readine...

'Man could set foot on Mars by 2021'

UK scientists have designed a concept mission to land astronauts on Mars by 2021 -- 12 years before ...

US Navy receives 1st upgraded Fire Scout unmanned helicopter

Northrop Grumman has delivered the first MQ-8C Fire Scout system, with increased endurance, range an...

Army to get first woman ADC to a Commander

Lieutenant Ganeve Lalji--a young intelligence officer--is set to create history by becoming the firs...

US Navy awards USD 28 mln contract to Northrop Grumman

Northrop Grumman Corporation has received a $28 million contract from the US Navy for engineering an...

Chinese astronauts succeed in manual docking with space lab

Three Chinese astronauts, including a woman, on the country's fifth and longest manned space mission...

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