Aero India 2025

News for "WISE"

NASA 'solves' 2,000-year supernova mystery

New infrared observations from NASA telescopes have revealed how the first supernova ever recorded o...

NASA finds 90 pct of largest near-Earth asteroids

WISE new observations indicate that there are at least 40 percent fewer near-Earth asteroids in tota...

NASA's WISE mission captures black hole's wildly flaring jet

Astronomers have captured rare data of a flaring black hole by using NASA's Wide-field Infrared Surv...

NASA's WISE discovers coldest class of stars

WISE's infrared vision allowed the telescope to spot the faint glow of six Y dwarfs relatively close...

NASA's WISE delivers millions of galaxies, stars, asteroids

Astronomers across the globe can now sift through hundreds of millions of galaxies, stars and astero...

NASA’s NEOWISE finds unknown asteroids and comets

NEOWISE is an enhancement of the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, mission that was laun...

NASA's WISE telescope captures 'runaway star'

The star, called Zeta Ophiuchi which once revolved around another hefty star, shot away like a bulle...

WISE discovers ultra-cool brown dwarf

WISE's new brown dwarf is named WISEPC J045853.90+643451.9 and it appears green in colour due to the...

WISE space telescope captures incoming comet

WISE captured the most extensive view of Hartley 2's trail during an ongoing scan of the sky in infr...

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