Aero India 2025

News for "Women"

Women sky-diving team to perform on Air Force Day

The Indian Air Force has formed a new all-women sky-diving team which will showcase its first perfor...

ISRO's GSAT-12: three women scientists to be in charge of crucial manoeuvres

GSAT-12 Project Director T K Anuradha, Mission Director Pramodha Hegde and Operations Director K S A...

12 women to get permanent commission into Indian Army

The move comes a year after the Defence Ministry decided to accorded permanent commission to women o...

6,749 Indian women officers in armed forces

Defence Minister A K Antony said the highest numbers of officers were with the Army followed by the ...

Ban on women serving on US submarines lifted

The US defence department had announced the move in February and the deadline for any objection from...

Four women to be in orbit at the same time

One woman already is circling Earth in a Russian capsule, bound for the ISS. On Monday, NASA will at...

China selects women astronauts for future space missions

The two women astronauts, both aero-transport pilots from the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Air For...

More women urged to work in space

Three women, who are among the seven crew members of space shuttle Discovery slated to lift off on A...

US Navy to repeal ban on women in submarines

The Defence Department has moved to lift a decades-old policy that prohibits women from serving aboa...

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