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Boeing delivers second Peace Eagle aircraft to Turkey

The Peace Eagle Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) aircraft. A Turkish Aerospace Industries photo

KONYA, TURKEY (BNS): Turkey has received the second Peace Eagle Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) aircraft from Boeing.

The aircraft arrived at the Konya Air Base, the fleet's main operating base, last week.

Boeing had handed over the first Peace Eagle aircraft to the Turkish armed forces in January this year.

The third aircraft will be delivered later this year, following by the fourth and last in 2015, the US aviation major said.

In addition to the four aircraft, the Peace Eagle programme also includes ground support segments for mission crew training, mission support and system maintenance.

While Boeing is the prime contractor for the programme, the Turkish Aerospace Industries, Turkish Airlines, Havelsan and Mikes are the key suppliers.

The AEW&C is based on the Boeing 737-700 airplane.

Turkey joins Australia and South Korea as operators of the Boeing-made AEW&C platforms.


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