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Boost development of modern weapons: Xi tells China's PLA

A file photo.

BEIJING (PTI): Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday called for accelerating the development of military equipment to make the world's largest army even stronger, as a massive programme for its modernisation was launched.

Xi, who is also the chief of the military besides being head of the communist Party, said advanced weaponry is the embodiment of a modern army and a crucial support for national security and rejuvenation.

The equipment system building should be information-led, and pay great attention to the weaponry's quality, Xi said addressing a conference of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) on equipment here.

The equipment system building is now facing a period of strategic opportunities and at a key point for fast development, state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

Besides being the world's largest with about 2.3 million personnel, Chinese military last year had a budget of about USD 132 billion -- the second highest after US's military budget stated to be around USD 700 billion.

China is on a massive military modernisation drive with heavy emphasis on latest weapons including long-range missile systems, air craft carriers, frigates, stealth bombers and cybar war technology.


China  PLA  Xi Jinping  

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